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Showing posts from November, 2021

Daily Skimm: Those are your feet fingers

Skimm'd while snagging Cyber Monday deals on a Tuesday November 30, 2021 Read in Browser Daily Skimm Skimm'd while snagging Cyber Monday deals on a Tuesday Quote of the Day "Punk" – German Chancellor Angela Merkel's music choice for her leaving ceremony. We need to see her Spotify Wrapped.  Giving Tuesday Getty Images The Story  Today's all about paying it forward. Let's hear it. While many have spent the past few days feasting, safely enjoying time with loved ones, and hitting up holiday sales, not everyone's been so lucky. The pandemic is still a thing. And many are reeling from its impact on their family , health , work , and finances . Enter: Giving Tuesday . A day meant for giving back ...whether it's with your time, money , voice, or beyond. We broke down ways you could spread the holiday cheer to... Women in the workforce… Between February and April 2020, 22 million Americans lost their jobs. In April 2020 alone, women made up 55%

Daily Skimm: I don't recognize myself in the coldness

Skimm'd while shopping the best Cyber Monday deals November 29, 2021 Read in Browser Daily Skimm Skimm'd while shopping the best Cyber Monday deals Quote of the Day "Of all the Canadian Ryans, you've gotta be in our top three" – Canada , in their love song to Ryan Reynolds. Leaf it to Canada to make it catchy. Oh My, Omicron Getty Images The Story A new variant is causing concern . Tell me more.  COVID-19 was detected nearly two years ago. But its contagious variants – like alpha and delta – have caused alarm. Now, health officials are monitoring a new variant that could be putting up a big fight. And we're sure you have plenty of questions about it, so let's get right to it... The deets... The variant's named omicron (nothing to do with the French President). And was first detected in South Africa earlier this month. It's helped drive a jump in cases there. And has now been detected in several places around the world (like Botswana, the N