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Showing posts from August, 2021

Daily Skimm: All the rumors are true

Skimm'd while swiping a new cash back card August 31, 2021 Read in Browser Skimm'd while swiping a new cash back card Quote of the Day "I have the upper-body strength of cooked spaghetti'' – A reporter's discovery after trying to sword-fight. Sounds penne-ful. Closing a Chapter The Story The US is officially out of Afghanistan – ending 20 years of war . That's a long time. It is. In October 2001, the US invaded Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks. The goal was to end the Taliban's rule and take down al-Qaeda. The Taliban – an Islamist militant group – had ruled Afghanistan since 1996, imposing harsh laws. Think: no music, movies, work for women, or schooling for girls past the age of 10. The group was quickly overthrown by US forces at the end of 2001. But growing threats of terrorism in the region and of the Taliban's resurgence kept American boots on the ground for over a decade. Tell me more.  Estimates show that about 70,000 Afghan secur

Daily Skimm: Into the thick of it

Skimm'd from the Oval Office August 30, 2021 Read in Browser Skimm'd from the Oval Office Quote of the Day "Tell me you live in Wisconsin without telling me you live in Wisconsin" – A woman , after spotting a cow in a car at a McDonald's drive-thru. Cue udder confusion. T-Minus 1 Day The Story The US is hours away from ending 20 years of war in Afghanistan.  What's the latest? Over the last two weeks, the US and allies have evacuated more than 113,000 people out of the country. But at least 250 Americans and thousands of Afghans are still hoping to catch flights out – despite fears of potential new attacks. Last week, two explosions killed 182 people near the Kabul airport. Among them were 169 Afghans – including a Taekwondo champion, journalists, students, and children – hoping to find new lives abroad. And 13 US service members – 11 Marines, an Army soldier, and Navy corpsman. Over the weekend, President Biden paid tribute to the fallen heroes