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Showing posts from May, 2021

Daily Skimm: Take the analogy of a tree that grows in Brooklyn

Skimm'd with bite-sized language lessons May 28, 2021 Read in Browser Skimm'd with bite-sized language lessons Quote of the Day "Like two ships passing because one of us was always in a relationship" – David Schwimmer on an on-again, off-again crush on Jennifer Aniston. With them, it's never off the table. The Crypto Keeper The Story Iran's cracking down on crypto. Why? For months now, the country's been plunged in the dark as daily power outages often lasted more than six hours. The likely culprit? Bitcoin mining. Reminder: Bitcoin's a digital currency that you can buy...or mine for.

Daily Skimm: Winning love by daylight

Skimm'd while talking to cookbook author and entrepreneur Ayesha Curry May 27, 2021 Read in Browser Skimm'd while talking to cookbook author and entrepreneur Ayesha Curry Quote of the Day "I find comfortable underwear uncomfortable" – Emma Thompson , on having to wear underwear while filming. Cruel(la) and unusual punishment. Double Take The Story President Biden wants to get to the bottom of COVID-19 . What do we know? The first COVID-19 cases were reported in late 2019 in Wuhan, China. As with other coronaviruses (like MERS ), many experts thought it probably jumped naturally from animal to human. But scientists haven